This Is It: A Darshan Diary

The nineteenth in the Rajneesh Foundation's darshan diary series.
Time period of Osho's original talks/writings
May 1, 1977 to May 31, 1977

Number of discourses/chapters31  
Year of publication : 1979Publisher : Rajneesh Foundation
Number of pages :  644
Edition notes : First edition 1979Size : 220 x 145 x 50 mm
"There is no goal and there is nowhere else to go -- this is it!If you can just start living your life as it comes, if you start enjoying whatsoever it gives... And I am not saying that it will be perfect, it is never perfect, ant it has no obligation to be perfect. This is how it is -- perfect, imperfect. Now you can do two things: either you start trying to change it -- then you miss living it, you cannot do both together -- or you live it.Then you don't bother about changing it... and anyhow it is never changed.This I call maturity. A man who has no idea to change anything has arrived! Then how can there be any tension, anguish, anxiety? Then everything starts being beautiful because you start living it. Will is just another way of asserting the ego.So let me repeat it: this is it! Get hold of this moment and live it!" (Osho)


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